The CLIMAte change teachers’ acaDEMY (CLIMADEMY) aims to create a European network to offer a comprehensive program where teachers will learn by using an efficient methodology how to educate the next generation of European citizens on climate change issues.
Educational material focused on the drivers causing the human-induced climate perturbations, the impacts of climate change and the measures for sustainability, will be tailored for initial education and professional development and made openly available to all education institutions across Europe. The material will be jointly developed, designed to be easily accessed, adopted and replicated, using modern educational practices and tools,with teachers acting both as trainees and co-designers. It will be the basis for the Teachers’ Academy for climate change education to be established through one common virtual Climate Auditorium (CLAUDI) and four hubs in separate countries with specific foci driven by the regional particularities. The CLAUDI platform will host the material, online courses, and the forum where all teachers and learners meet and exchange ideas and experiences, thus building the Teachers'. The material will be developed in English, German, Italian, Greek and Finnish.
More information about the project: https://climademy.eu/